Whilst our project clock now appears to be working, we still haven�t given any thought to the interface devices such as the display, the keypad, or the reference timebase. OK so lets start off with the KEYPAD. The basic Digital Clock uses a total of 5 push switches (and a reset button if you wish). The inputs to these should be made directly to the 74xx374 pins, with 4K7 pull-ups and 0.1uF caps across the contacts. (The occasional bit of key-bounce can probably be tolerated as the keys are are only used for initial seting up, so the caps can be left off if preferred.) I used the DL1414 display for pure convenience to demonstrate this circuit. They are a bit pricey when new, but can often be found in surplus equipment. If they are NOT used, then alternative arrangements will have to be made to supply 4 data LATCHES, a simple ADDRESS DECODER (from the top 4 bits of each display data-word) and some form of 7 segment DISPLAY DECODER. |