MAKING IT WORK! Unlike most other projects I have described on this site, there are no displays or LEDs to tell you whether all systems are go or something is amis; clearly a little help in this area will aid the recifying of any problems. To check and see if the projects is working, I will assume that the builder has access to two items of test gear, namely: *** A multimeter. *** A decent working logic probe. A scope would be nice but is not really necessary to determin whether the processor is running at this stage. 1) Check that the wiring is correct and complete, then do a resistance check with the meter on the basic power rails for no shorts between +5V and 0V and continuity to the appropriate power pins on the IC�s. Plug in the 74HC14 and then apply power to check the operation of the reset line going to pin37 of the 6809. If all seems OK, remove the power and plug in the rest of the IC�s. 2) With a meter set on AMPS, connect in series with the power and quickly ascertain that the total power is below 450mA (say, 1/2 Amp max.). If it is a lot greater than this, turn off and remove each IC in turn to ascertain why. The power up sequence after a hard reset will signify whether the micro is running or not. If it IS running, then if things don�t materialiase from the keyboard, at least you will have a good idea where to look and what not to blame. If you follow the table below, the sequence of events should become clear: |
3) As the LS138 Decoder chip is the centre for all I/O and MEMORY access, note the activity on all it�s following pins immediately after a hard reset. You�ll need the logic probe attached to each pin in turn before pressing reset. NO KEYBOARD IS ATTACHED FOR THESE TESTS |
Thus when sitting idle after reset, the only decoded activity should be on 138 pins 13 and 7. |
Click on this icon to download the 6809 core wiring list. |
6809 meets 8085! As you can see in the picture on the left, I built the second 6809 interface circuit on the bottom of the 8085 site project board. The first 6809 keyboard interface is of course to the right. Here I was just checking out the codes being sent by the 6809, against the display on the 8085 site project. How useful! If you�ve already looked at this project, you�ll recall that it displays the HEX of a character being sent down a serial line; in this case both are at 2400 baud so are immediately compatible. What I�ve done here is taken the serial output from 6809 project (1), and fed it into the serial input (the 25 way D type) of the 8085 board. There is a PC keyboard attached to 6809 interface (1); i.e. the lead disappearing in the middle of the screen. The diagnostic display on the 6809 board is reading: S 2J which tells us that the serial link is enabled, the last character to pass through was 2 bytes long (the key-up for the J) and the J shows that the last character was in fact a J. The 8085 display reads: RX>J=4A which confirms that the character sent was indeed an upper case J. |
With a program that is essentially a gigantic look-up table, I could see no point in writing lots of unnecessary extra code to support keys that were PC specific and would therefore probably never be used. Thus there are a number of keys that send NO code when pressed. Hopefully, I have included most / all that anyone needs to use with their project. Of course, if it does not, then there is no reason why they should not add them to the program themselves.Notice that although the Function keys are PC specific, I�ve allocated them ASCII values to allow them to be used. As a summary of the keys supported, please refer to the following table: |
Holding down either shift key gives upper case of appropriate keys. Holding down either control key gives the full range of correct control characters from their associated keys.Tab inserts a horizontal tabulation code. Alt, Alt Gr, Caps lock, Keypad Del, Enter & any Status LEDs not supported. To make this easier to understand, see the image below of a typical keyboard with the UNsupported keys shown in RED. |
It goes without saying that I want to see you guys and gals building this project as it�s nearly driven me round the bend at times over the last 3 months. If you have any questions, queries etc. please email me! As a passing thought, for the more curious project builder, I would thoroughly recommend adding the diagnostic DL1414 display to the board - if only to play with it and understand the interface better. It can always be removed for another project. All it will cost is a DIL socket as the software is already built in.