Sadly the Z280 had a relatively short life in production, but one that was meant to help bridge the gap between the Z80 and faster and more complex devices. It was a toss-up in the end which processor I was going to use for this project so the size limitations and the features I needed eventually settled things. For my project I was going to need a UART and, to make life easier in some areas, a counter / timer. Z280 has both of these built in, plus many other facilities I would not be using on this occasion. |
The underside of the finished board showing how I ran out of room - so much so that I had to put the MAX232 RS232 converter chip out on a piggy-back board on the top! The red square doesn�t even start to show how tight things are when wiring up the 68 way socket for the Z280. I found it strange that even with all those pins the thing still had a multiplexed Address and Data bus! For those observant enough to spot the bit of vero-board stuck near the bottom right hand corner, this was covering the RTC lithium battery pins to ensure that nothing shorted them whilst the board was in it�s development stage. Once the design had been checked and was working fine, I substituted HC chips where I could and the complete circuit (including DL1414 display) now uses a fraction over 100mA which I thought was quite acceptable. Two more noteable points were: a) The �Watchdog�. In the interests of keeping the controller on-track, regardless of power cuts and glitches, I built a Watchdog reset circuit using a 555 timer with a 1 second cycle. For those not familiar with the concept, a circuit such as this has a 555 connected directly to the RESET line of the processor. If the processor crashes for any reason, the 555 completes it�s cycle and the RESET line is toggled. |
In order to stop the processor being reset every second, the program has to incorporate regular �refreshes� that access the timer (in my case via a line from the 8255) which shorts the timing cap to ground and thus delays the �reset� happening for another second. (ad-infinitum) b) I used some of the non-volatile RAM in the RTC chip to store the status information on which relays are in operation at any time, thus creating a �recovery� situation in the event of a complete power failure. Quite impressive to watch when working properly (I know - as it should!) one can pull the power plug from the wall, hear all the relays drop out, then shove it back in again a few seconds later and everything carries on as it did before the interruption. |