USING THE EEPROM PROGRAMMER Although my original idea was to create a programming device with a �universal� interface, by the time I had made it work with the setting that I wanted to use, I never found the inspiration to incorporate all the facilities into the program that I�d probably never use! Thus the present revision of program rests at V1.1 - The firmware I have written I will be glad to forward to any other budding programmer, as long as they are prepared to accept it�s limited appeal in it�s current limited form! RESET Place a suitable 8K x 8bit EEPROM in the programming socket BEFORE powering up the programmer. As soon as the device is powered up, the usual initialisation routines are run to configure the 8530 serial comms chip, and to send the message �READY� up the comms link to the terminal device which will download the finished program. The word �READY.� Also comes up in the displays to show that the device has correctly booted. Pressing the RED button should bring up the word �BINARY?� as this is the only mode that works, press the GREY button to select. (The �Intel� programming mode that comes up if the RED button is depressed a second time was never completed�) After depressing the GREY button to select BINARY? Programming mode, the word: HEX: should show. As soon as the FIRST byte of programming data is received by the programmer this will be altered to show: HEX:0000 The value in this new field will increment by ONE for every byte of download program received. The value will be shown in four digit HEX notation. As soon as the whole program has downloaded, the incrementing of the digits will cease (which permits the checking of just how large the program should be), the GREY button should be pressed to tell the programmer that the program download is now complete. The word DONE. Will be followed a second later by the word PROG? Now press the GREY button to program the EEPROM, or the RED button to abort the programming session. If the GREY button is pressed the word PROG will be joined by the four HEX digits (plus one to show the actual number of bytes to be programmed) and the programming LED. If the EEPROM programs without errors (the device runs a verify at the end of the programming session) the word PASS will appear across the two displays and the programming LED will go out. If however,the device doesn�t program correctly, the word FAIL will appear instead. Power down the programmer before removing the EEPROM. |