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 Microprocessor Basics

Micro Basics

Site Projects

Site Projects

Construction Techniques



A view of Mentor�s insides. Quite a squash I�ll tell you! The third ROM socket is for expansion that never occurred. The other 2x 2764�s (8K each) are almost full, showing the shere size of the programming code! The battery for the RTC is in the bottom RH corner, with the A-D and the D-A chips on the board on the top side. There is a total of 40K RAM on the board. 8K of which is in a �Smart� non-volatile socket.

To the right we see the �Character Game�. An exercise to show how it is possible to program those horrible LCD displays. The �arrows� above the second from last digit on the RH side of the bottom row point to the pixel to be added / deleted. Draw tiny pictures or try out how various custom characters will look. The character is stored in the non-volatile part of the RAM for future use.

Programming concepts


To clear the character, a little �aeroplane� flies from left to right across the temporarily cleared top line and �bombs� the unwanted character with an animated explosion, leaving a small pile of �bits� at the bottom of the character location!



8085 page

8085 page

Fault Finding

Fault Finding

Data Sheets

Data Sheets

EEprom Programmer


Video Information

VIDEO info

Peripheral Circuitry

Peripheral circuitry

Central Heating and Z280's

Z280 and  Central Heating  Controllers

Concluding Ideas

Concluding ideas


