The �SITCOM� project was designed to offer an easy to build training computer, for anybody interesting in constructing microprocessor based projects. Designed around the 8085 microprocessor (in my experience the micro. most site enquiries are asking after) all of the other components should be easy to obtain, the largest chip being the ever-popular, easy to program 8255 parallel I/O device. |
SAN designed SITCOM, wrote the software for the BOOT prom AND built the first prototype! I built the second prototype and tried a number of small alterations to circuit component values in order to check that the project had no excuse for not working when someone else copies it. As to how the next person might like to build it, this is entirely up to them. The first two prototypes were constructed in a similar manner, but there is no reason why other techniques might not be successfully tried. |
First and foremost we will cover the building of SITCOM prototype number 2. I will not dwell too long on this side of things as if you wish to study the techniques any closer, might I suggest that you take a look at the fully documented Site Project 1 (The Digital clock). As I am often asked just how long a project should take to build, for your information, I timed myself for both preparing the board on Day 1, then the wiring up on Day 2. |